The Truth Project (9th-12th Grade) – 1 Semester Course, 12 Weeks
Teachers: Barbara Rayle & Lisa Hickman
Do you believe that what you believe is really real?
This class is a minimal-homework one-semester worldview class using the ground-breaking small group curriculum, The Truth Project. This video-based Bible study is a starting point for looking at life from a biblical perspective. Join Dr. Del Tackett, as he takes you through 12 engaging video lessons on the relevance and importance of living the Biblical worldview in daily life, featuring insights from biblical experts like R.C. Sproul, Os Guinness and Gordon Pennington.
This class will meet for 1.5 hours each Thursday, from 11:00am – 12:30. Students will have a Lunch Discussion time from 12-12:30pm. Please bring your sack lunch with you, or we will pick-up your ordered lunch for you to enjoy during the class discussion.
Each week, we will watch a 1-hour video and have a time for discussion. Each student will receive a copy of the Truth Project Study Guide to help them take notes during the videos and remember what they are learning.
If you would like more information on The Truth Project, visit: