Math Games (3rd-5th) (Spring)$25.00
Come join us while we have fun reviewing our math skills.
Basketball MS/HS (Fall)$25.00
Come learn the fundamentals of Basketball! Students must participate unless they have an excused parental note due to injury or illness. In addition, students will meet at…
All About Spelling (3rd – 5th grade) (Fall)$25.00
In this class, we’ll be using All About Spelling – Level 2. Before starting this class, students should know all of their basic letter sounds as well as long…
IEW Ancient World (6th-8th Grade) (Fall)$50.00
Students will learn about ancient history while practicing their writing techniques using the Structure and Style method. Students are expected to participate in class, write weekly papers (short)…
Crafty Sewing (4th-8th) (Fall)$35.00
Welcome to Crafty Sewing! In this class we will be using basic sewing skills on a sewing machine to create fun crafts! These crafts can be completed…
HS Algebra 1 (Thinkwell) (Spring)$75.00
Algebra 1 – second semester continuation
ALGEBRA 1 (1 Credit) – 2 Semester Course, 36 weeks = 12 Weeks per semester with 6 weeksStudents develop a deep understanding…
3rd-6th Grade Reading: American Girl Historical Fiction (Fall)$40.00
3rd-6th GRADE READING: American Girl Historical Fiction (Fall) – Molly
American Girl History and Arts class will be a class to remember for years to come in your… -
8th Grade Math (Thinkwell) (Part 1)$50.00
Materials Needed for this Course:
This is the online course purchased separately.https://www.thinkwellhomeschool.com/collections/all/products/8th-grade-math
$50 cost covers the full semester.
(2 semesters = $100 per year) -
HS Study Hall 10:00 AM (Fall)$10.00
Students can do homework and study for upcoming tests and quizzes.
Cost covers the full semester.
(1 semester – $10/per semester) -
7 Amazing Continents (3rd-5th) (Spring)$25.00
In this geography course we will tour the world, stopping briefly on each continent to consider its countries and geographical features, delve into its history and stories, discover its…
Volleyball (7th – 12th grade) (Spring)$25.00
7th-12th Grade VOLLEYBALL
ElectiveStudents will learn and develop mental, physical, technical, and tactical skills in a safe and positive environment.
MS Life Skills (6th-8th Grade) (Spring)$25.00
Life skills! Those handy skills we need as adults that are sometimes easy to slip through the cracks of our learning. In this class we’ll use a…
Oh Dear, Oh Dear, It is an Election Year! HWT (Handwriting without tears) (1st-3rd) (Fall)$25.00
No required curriculum. Students will need to bring a pencil, spiral notebook, scissors, glue stick, and colored pencils.
The first 10 minutes of class will be Handwriting Without…
Beginning Improv 5th – 8th (Fall)$25.00
Have you ever wanted to learn the craft of improvisation? In this class we are going to learn the basics of improv. We will improve your storytelling skills, learn…
Lapbook Texas History 6th – 8th (Fall)$50.00
Lapbook Texas History (6-8)
This lapbook is designed for students in grades 6-8, and includes a study guide as well as pre-printed lapbook pages in bound book format. The included…
World History (9th – 12th) (Fall)$75.00
World history—ancient, medieval, and modern—from the perspective of faith in God and respect for His Word. A thorough survey of Western civilization with significant coverage of Latin America, Africa,…
9am Infants-2 Years Old Daycare (Fall)$25.00
Children 18 months and up will explore with their senses this hour.
Materials Needed for Daycare:You will complete…
Basic Math Skills & Games (1st-3rd Grade) (Spring)$25.00
ELECTIVE – 2nd semester continuation
Course Description: Welcome to the exciting world of 1st-3rd Grade Math: Basic Math Skills & Games! This engaging 12-week course is designed to introduce young…
Camp Gladiator (6th – 12th) (Spring)$25.00
Join us for our own Camp Gladiator!